Integrity Day
A fun way to tackle those items on your "to do" list!

Integrity Day was originally developed by Thomas Leonard. It proved so popular that now, they are offered worldwide. What's it all about? Read on.

We all have things we've put off doing. It may be a task that needs completion, a project you need to start, a matter that needs to be handled, or just plain paperwork. You've put it off, your days have been busy, or maybe procrastination has struck - whatever the reason, you haven't done it yet.

And not completing it is bothering you, making you feel out of Integrity with your goals, values, beliefs, etc.

Picking a day, making a commitment to others, and then using their encouragement to get it done, is the idea behind this day - and it all takes place by telephone.

It's like having an energized work session with support and encouragement from others, all from the privacy of your own office or home.

How It Works:
The Private Practice Marketing Roundtable sponsors quarterly Integrity Day Calls. You'll get an invitation to participate via email.

Simply respond that you're planning to "attend" (call-in), then:
  1. Pick your project(s) for the day. It might be one big thing, several small things, or getting started on something major.
  2. Call in at the top of the designated hour (as instructed in your invitation).
  3. You'll be joining 10 others who have the same goals as you do - to get those items off their "to-do" list.
  4. The call will last from 5-8 minutes, with me as your host.
  5. During the first call, we'll meet each other and state our goals for the hour.
  6. Then, hang up and get started!
  7. At the end of the hour, call in again. This time, you'll report on your progress, sharing your wins/results, and what your plans are for the next hour.
  8. There's a lot of energy on these check-in calls. You'll be surprised at your results.
  9. Then, hang up and continue working.
  10. We continue this for four calls, with the last call being a wrap-up call.
  11. That's four hours of work, with four short "check-in" calls to keep you motivated and going to completion.
  12. Join us for all four calls, or only one or two if that's all you need to get your tasks completed.
  13. It's fun. It's free*. And it works!
* Your long distance charges will apply.

Examples of projects:
  • Catch-up on email, letters or other correspondance
  • Make/return phone calls
  • Start/finish that report
  • Catch-up on your documentation
  • Design a brochure
  • Update your website
  • Plan a major project
  • Start a major project
  • Get your desk cleaned off
  • Get your files organized
  • Re-arrange your office
  • Catch-up on your record keeping/accounts payable/accounts receivables
  • Review new product brochures for possible purchase
  • Research a service you're seeking
  • Brainstorm new product/service ideas to implement
  • Find a Virtual Assistant
  • Learn that new software program
  • Handle a multitude of "little things"
  • Add your items to this list!

The Private Practice Marketing Roundtable is a service of Dawson Resources, LLC.

Website by Dawson Resources, LLC.
© 2010 Dianne E. Dawson
All rights reserved.